Competition Results

Thank you to everyone that attended and partipated in Queen's CTF! We hope to see you again next year.

Checkout results of the Competition below:

What is a CTF

A CTF (Capture The Flag) is an information security competition where contestants solve a variety of tasks to find the hidden “Keys”.

In a Jeopardy-style CTF like QCTF, these keys are found in a variety of challenges across many different fields of computer science. Below are some the categories you might encounter.

Reverse Engineering

Exploiting a binary file to make it behave unexpectedly


Finding information hidden in text, files, or images


Decrypting or encrypting a piece of data

Information Gathering

Finding obscure information and data on the internet

Web Exploitation

Exploiting web pages to find a flag

Remote Exploitation

Exploiting a server or remote service to find a flag

About Us

The Queen’s Capture the Flag is an annual event run in partnership with the Queen’s Engineering Society that allows Queen’s University students interested in cybersecurity and other fields of computing and information technology to learn technical skills through friendly competition. This hands-on experience provides a space for participants to learn and practice skills seldom taught in academia or other extracurricular events.

Details for the QCTF 2021-2022 are still in the works...
Feel free to join our Mailing List and follow us on Social Media!

QCTF operates as a ratified conference under the Engineering Society at Queen's University. For additional details, please check out the QCTF Constitution.

Check our promo video for 2021-2022 below:

Challenge Walkthroughs

Solutions to interesting and difficult challenges from past QCTFs are available here:

Crossword Bets Decrypt Descramble Puss In Boots Romantic Moment

Exec Team 2021-2022

Raed Fayad


Raed Fayed

James Kidd

Director of Sponsorship

James Kidd

Andrew Fryer

Infrastructure Manager

Andrew Fryer

Irum Shah

Infrastructure Manager

Irum Shah

Miranda Bundgård


Miranda Bundgård

Timothy Byles-Ho

Logistics Coordinator

QCTF logo

Adrienne Lee

Director of Challenges

Adrienne Lee

Cyrus Fung

Challenge Coordinator

QCTF logo

Abbey Cameron

Challenge Coordinator

Abbey Cameron

Aniket Mukherjee

Challenge Coordinator

Aniket Mukherjee

Jordan Capello

Challenge Coordinator

Jordan Capello

Noah Jacobs

Challenge Coordinator

QCTF logo

Yujin Cho

Director of Marketing

Yujin Cho

Sophie Ellwood

Marketing and Promotion Coordinator

Sophie Ellwood

Debbie Wang

Marketing and Promotion Coordinator

Debbie Wang

Raihan Ahmed

First Year Representative

Shams Sultan

Emily Batty

First Year Representative

Shams Sultan